About us
Meet the team & community members behind the scenes
The Great Escape is the child project of GLMR APES DAO.
GLMR APES DAO quickly self-organized as Moonbeam's network first DAO after the initial mint of GLMR APES NFTs.
The DAO is co administrated by 3 members of the core Team and 4 elected members of the community: The Wise Apes. Together, they form the Jungle Council, a governance body in charge of writing proposals concerning the game.
On a weekly basis, these proposals are then put on to vote by all of the GLMR APES NFT holders who form the DAO together.
The Core Team
Mr Tin - CEO
Mar1 - CTO
T0 - Game Director
Other team members
Chad - Front-end & BD
Tommy - Creative Director
Olivier - UI/UX
Hong - Graphic Designer
An - Level Designer
Leo - Sound Designer
The Wise Apes (elected until the end of the year - 2023)
Last updated